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Year 1

The children have had a fantastic start to Year 1 and have impressed us with their kindness, energy and enthusiasm.

Home Learning Support

Reading Please help your child to rehearse their reading skills by reading together daily. Please record this with a signature and comment in their reading diary.

Maths The other area of learning that we would really like to encourage families to support at home is their Maths learning. The best way to support your child with their work in maths is through

Modelling and using maths in their everyday life, through activities such as cooking or shopping. Your conversations can also really help children to learn – perhaps you could talk about the days of the week and then ask questions, for example:

  • Today is Monday, what day is it tomorrow?
  •  I need two clothes pegs for this item of washing and one more for this sock, how many pegs do I need altogether?
  • Counting objects together. Once your child is able to do this confidently, count in steps, for example 2, 4, 6, 8…  5,10,15… 10, 20, 30 etc
  • Playing maths related games or singing maths related songs.

More information will follow about maths and phonics at a later date.

For children travelling by bus, please remember to inform the bus supervisor of any bus cancellations.

Each morning your child’s reading record will be checked, please feel free to add messages there if you are not able to speak to us in the morning or contact the school office if your message is urgent.

PE/ Swimming
Your child’s PE day is on a Thursday. They should come to school in their PE kit, wearing trainers.

Swimming is on a Tuesday morning – Your child should come to school with their swimwear on with either their PE kit or school uniform to change into afterwards. Please ensure they have their towel and underwear in their bag as well.

We politely request that your child does not wear any jewellery on their PE and swimming days.

Our Library day is Thursday. On this day, your child will be issued a new library book. Please ensure that on this day your child returns their old library book.

Building on their personal, social and emotional skills learnt in FS2, please encourage your child to dress independently, including learning the important skill of putting on and doing up their own shoes.

Your child has a snack and lunch break at school. They are provided with fresh fruit during snack time.

Please ensure your child has a spare set of labelled clothes in their bag. Occasionally, learning can be messy!

Thanks for your support.
Year 1 Team