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Year 3

Dear Year 3 parents,

Welcome back to another year of learning.

It’s been great to welcome back the children this week. They’ve had plenty of news to share about their summer experiences and have been full of smiles and positive energy. We’re delighted to have Miss Kim working with us in Year 3 as our LSA.

Our theme for Term 1 is ‘Stone Age to Bronze Age’. We are excited to delve into this historical era. Please watch this space for an invitation to come into school soon to collaborate with us as we start this learning theme.

You will have received a new Reading Record for Year 3 and books will start to come home from Monday. We will be checking the Reading Records on a daily basis to see the reading that has taken place at home. As part of the incentive to read at home, we will award a house point for each time that takes place. If you were at Hornbill School in Year 2, please can you transfer, from the back of your Y2 Reading Record, the Reading Rewards that your child has already achieved so that we can continue with the reward system in Year 3. For new learners, we will start the Reading Rewards scheme freshly. This is outlined in the back of the Reading Record.

The Reading Record is also a good way to communicate with us where you are unable to see us face to face.  Class Dojo is no longer a means of communication as it is not being used any more. If you have any urgent messages to communicate during the day, please either call the office or contact them via email.

A hard copy of our timetable will come home with the children today. Please note the days for PE and swimming. Please come to school in PE kit on Wednesdays.

In KS1 the children were provided daily fruit in the ‘Fruit for Schools’ scheme. In line with UK schools, this is not provided for KS2 learners. Therefore, please ensure that your children have a healthy snack for first break. It works well for this to be in a separate container to their main lunch.

We hope that your children have enjoyed these first days of Year 3. Please do come and chat with us after school if you have any questions. Our doors are always open.

With best wishes,
Mr Cunningham and Mrs Brown