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Year 6

It has been a great first week back and the class have settled very well. I have been very impressed with the children’s interactions in class so far, the levels of maturity that they have shown and I already feel that this has the makings of a great year.

For those of you who have not seen the classroom yet, here it is. The children have already started decorating the room with their work and we hope to have lots of work on the walls to show you when you next visit.

Each week, I will share a regular blog post with you with updates from our week. I will share photos to illustrate, including our high flyer of the week (dependent on photo permissions from parents) and I hope to be able to showcase the Year 6 Mantis class journey this year.

Hopefully you have all received our ‘learning pathway’ for the term, indicating our plan until Christmas. A timetable for the weeks ahead has also been sent home today for your perusal.

New reading books and homework books will be sent home on Monday. Reading records have already been sent home (containing student log ins for platforms that can be accessed at home) and will be checked each morning and there will be house point rewards for children keeping this up to date. Please use this book to contact me if necessary, alternatively, feel free to leave a message for me with the office.

Homework will be set on our Google Classroom and I will ask for homework to be handed in each Monday morning – there is no pressure to complete this homework and this can be a decision for you at home on whether it is appropriate for your schedules, I can assure you however, the tasks will all be relevant and worthwhile in aiding progress this year.

Things to remember for the week ahead:

PE kit needed all day on Mondays and Thursdays.

Athletics Club:
With the upcoming indoor athletics Brunei Junior Sports Club (BJSL) event coming up on Thursday 19th September, Mr Sherwin will be running some lunch time athletics clubs to help prepare for this.

They will be held on the following dates, and on these dates, PE kit can again be worn for the whole day:
Thursday 5th September
Thursday 12th September 
Tuesday 17th September

Further clubs will be advertised very soon.

The year ahead looks really bright and I hope the children are all ready to embrace it. I look forward to working with you all more closely in the coming months and wish you all a happy weekend.

Kindest regards,
Mr Deane