Week beginning 25th November
This week’s High Flyer was chosen by his classmates for his fantastic energy. Well done, a really fantastic effort!
We have completed the prescribed units for this term and will now have 3 weeks of consolidation. We will revisit place value, then move on to addition and subtraction. The emphasis will be on explaining and applying the concepts.
Having written an independent narrative based on Bill’s New Frock, the final unit of term is on classic poetry. As part of the Christmas production, Year 4 will be performing a poem. This poem will be the focus of the English unit.
- I can listen to, read and discuss a classic narrative poem.
- I can explain the meaning of key vocabulary within the context of the text.
- I can learn a poem by heart and rehearse for performance.
- I can prepare a poem to read aloud, showing understanding through intonation, tone, volume and action.
- I can identify, discuss and collect effective words and phrases which capture the reader’s interest and imagination.
VIPERS: the focus will be on vocabulary and inference.
Thank you to all those children and parents who are reading for at least twenty minutes each day with their child / children. Please use / continue to use the Vipers questions at the start of the reading diary as a prompt to initiate a discussion about the text. Thank you to those children who are answering the questions that are stuck in the reading diaries. Please could I ask parents to ensure that the questions are answered. Also, please sign the reading diary every day and use the grid at the back of the book to record each day of reading.
Congratulations to our superstars below on getting their reading bookmark. Keep up the great effort!
Common exception words with silent letters.
PE – Monday and Wednesday
Enjoy your weekend!
Week beginning 18th November
This week’s High Flyer was chosen by her classmates for her energy and great communication. Well done, you always make a really fantastic effort.
Maths will continue with the focus on multiplication and division.
The learning objectives are:
I can multiply by 1 and 0.
I can divide a number by 1 and itself.
I can multiply 3 numbers together.
Having written a shared narrative based on Bill’s New Frock, the next stage is for the children to independently write their own narrative:
I can write a setting and build up, independently, with the focus on modified expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials for where, when and how.
I can write a dilemma and resolution, independently, ensuring links between paragraphs.
I can write an ending, independently, with the focus on dialogue.
I can edit and redraft a narrative.
I can publish a narrative.
VIPERS: the focus will be on retrieval and inference.
I can create modified expanded noun phrases.
Thank you to all those children and parents who are reading for at least twenty minutes each day with their child / children. Please use / continue to use the Vipers questions at the start of the reading diary as a prompt to initiate a discussion about the text. Thank you to those children who are answering the questions that are stuck in the reading diaries. Please could I ask parents to ensure that the questions are answered. Also, please sign the reading diary every day and use the grid at the back of the book to record each day of reading.
Congratulations on your 50 reads!
Words spelt with the spelling /ture/ at the end of the word.
PE – Monday and Wednesday
Enjoy your weekend!
Week beginning 11th November
This week’s High Flyer was chosen by his classmates for his energy and communication. Well done, you always make a really fantastic effort.
Maths will continue with the focus on multiplication and division.
The learning objectives are:
I can recall the 3,6, and 9 times tables.
I can multiply and divide by 7.
I can recall the 7 times tables.
I can recall the 11 times tables.
I can recall the 12 times tables.
Having planned a shared narrative based on Bill’s New Frock, the next stage is to write the story together, followed by the children independently planning their own narrative:
I can write a shared build up with the focus on modified expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials of when, where and how, whilst ensuring paragraphs are linked.
I can write a shared dilemma ensuring paragraphs are linked and dialogue is used to advance the plot.
I can write a shared resolution, ensuring paragraphs are linked.
I can write a shared ending.
I can independently plan a narrative.
VIPERS: the focus will be on vocabulary.
I can create modified expanded noun phrases.
Thank you to all those children and parents who are reading for at least twenty minutes each day with their child / children. Please use / continue to use the Vipers questions at the start of the reading diary as a prompt to initiate a discussion about the text. Thank you to those children who are answering the questions that are stuck in the reading diaries. Please could I ask parents to ensure that the questions are answered. Also, please sign the reading diary every day and use the grid at the back of the book to record each day of reading.
Words spelt with the spelling /ture/ at the end of the word.
PE – Monday and Wednesday
Enjoy your weekend!
Halloween Discos Thanks
Hornbill House Point Trophy Term 1.1
Please find below the total number of house points received by each house team during the first half term this year. House points are awarded in recognition of each child’s hard work, particularly focussing on the school’s learning powers of: Reflection, Communication, Creativity, Courage, Curiosity, Exploration, Energy and Resilience.
Congratulations to every child for their contribution towards these totals!
Week beginning 4th November
This week’s High Flyer was chosen by her classmates for her resilience and communication – two qualities that she possesses in abundance. Well done!
Having completed the unit of learning about area this week, the next block of work will focus on multiplication and division.
The learning objectives are:
I can find multiples of 3.
I can multiply and divide by 6.
I can recall the 6 times tables.
I can multiply and divide by 9.
I can recall the 9 times tables.
Having analysed the plot structure of Bill’s New Frock, the next stage in the learning will focus on:
I can use hot seating to explore the dilemma.
I can find and create fronted adverbials for where, when and how.
I can plan a shared narrative.
I can create modified expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials for effect.
I can write a shared setting with the focus on modified expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials of when, where and how.
VIPERS: the focus will be on retrieval and inference.
I can create modified expanded noun phrases.
Thank you to all those children and parents who are reading for at least twenty minutes each day with their child / children. Please use / continue to use the Vipers questions at the start of the reading diary as a prompt to initiate a discussion about the text. Thank you to those children who are answering the questions that are stuck in the reading diaries. Please could I ask parents to ensure that the questions are answered. Also, please sign the reading diary every day and use the grid at the back of the book to record each day of reading.
We are delighted to congratulate the below children on gaining their bookmark and a bookworm badge for reading! A fantastic effort, well done to both of you.
Words spelt with the spelling /sure/ at the end of the word.
PE – Monday and Wednesday
Enjoy your weekend!
Week beginning 28th October
This week’s High Flyer was chosen by his classmates for his reflection and communication. I fully agree with both of those, but feel that a further area should also be celebrated, and that is courage. He displays this in abundance. Well done, you have had a fantastic week!
Learning powers / behaviours
Mr Magerison, the DCS School Improvement Advisor, recently observed the class, and was very impressed by the children’s learning behaviours. He made a special point to thank the children. All credit to the children for their continued focus and commitment.
After half term we will be starting a short unit on area.
The learning objectives will be:
I can explain what area is.
I can count squares.
I can make shapes.
I can compare areas.
Having published our recounts on The Passover, we will be starting a theme based on a novel. The novel is Bill’s New Frock. The focus is on:
I can generate interest.
I can use active reading strategies (KWL grid) to understand a text.
I can use active reading strategies to draw the setting.
I can explore new vocabulary and modified expanded noun phrases to describe the setting.
I can summarise the key points in the text, analyse the plot structure and identify how paragraphs are linked.
VIPERS: the focus will be on retrieval and inference.
I can create modified expanded noun phrases.
Thank you to all those children and parents who are reading for at least twenty minutes each day with their child / children. Please use / continue to use the Vipers questions at the start of the reading diary as a prompt to initiate a discussion about the text. Thank you to those children who are answering the questions that are stuck in the reading diaries. Please could I ask parents to ensure that the questions are answered. Also, please sign the reading diary every day and use the grid at the back of the book to record each day of reading.
Words spelt with the spelling /sure/ at the end of the word.
PE – Monday and Wednesday
Enjoy your well-deserved half term break.
Hornbill School Council 2024-2025
We would like to thank all of the children who participated in our elections, particularly the children who presented to their class and put their names forward as potential candidates. We were incredibly impressed with the way you presented your ideas to your classmates. You all showed great courage, enthusiasm, communication skills and resilience.
Votes have now been counted and we are delighted to announce our Hornbill School Council for 2024-2025. I am sure that they are going to be a fantastic team and we are looking forward to working with them over the next year.
Well done everyone!
Football Fun Day
Week beginning 14th October
This week’s High Flyer was chosen by her classmates for her energy and resilience. We are unable to display her image but she knows who she is. Well done! I have been very impressed by your courage and creativity, too.
The next steps in our addition and subtraction unit are:
I can estimate answers.
I can check strategies.
Many of the children will require further practice using materials to represent exchanging, as this understanding is not yet secure and embedded. We will review their understanding before the unit assessment later in the week.
Having written the first draft of their independent write, the children will be editing, redrafting then publishing their recount. The focus is on:
I can edit and redraft my work.
I can publish my work.
VIPERS: the focus will be on vocabulary.
I can build single clause sentences (pronouns) – stage 1.
Thank you to all those children and parents who are reading for at least twenty minutes each day with their child / children. Please use / continue to use the Vipers questions at the start of the reading diary as a prompt to initiate a discussion about the text. Thank you to those children who are answering the questions that are stuck in the reading diaries. Please could I ask parents to ensure that the questions are answered. Also, please sign the reading diary every day and use the grid at the back of the book to record each day of reading.
Remembering the spellings that we do not pronounce CEW words.
PE – Monday and Wednesday
Enjoy your weekend!
Hornbill School House Team Football
Week beginning 7th October
This week’s High Flyer was chosen by his classmates for his energy and ability to reflect. Through reflection, you are taking ownership of your next steps in your learning. Well done!
The next steps in our addition and subtraction unit are:
I can subtract 2 four-digit numbers with no exchange.
I can subtract 2 four-digit numbers with one exchange.
I can subtract 2 four-digit numbers with more than one exchange.
I can use efficient subtraction strategies.
The use of physical materials – place value counters etc. – and digital representations, will continue to be a central element in developing understanding. Explaining the process and the use of mathematical language will also be a focus. The layout of the work (in columns for the ones, tens, hundreds and thousands) is crucial to ensuring accuracy.
Having independently planned a recount about Moses and Passover, the children will be writing the recount independently. The focus is on cohesion, the use of fronted adverbials of where, when and how, expanded noun phrases, paragraphs and strategies for linking strategies.
I can, independently, write a setting and build up with a focus on expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials for where, when and how.
I can, independently, write a dilemma and resolution with a focus on linking paragraphs.
VIPERS: the focus will be on vocabulary.
I can build single clause sentences – stage 1.
I can build single clause sentences (pronouns) – stage 1.
Thank you to all those children and parents who are reading for at least twenty minutes each day with their child / children. Please use / continue to use the Vipers questions at the start of the reading diary as a prompt to initiate a discussion about the text. Thank you to those children who are answering the questions that are stuck in the reading diaries. Please could I ask parents to ensure that the questions are answered. Also, please sign the reading diary every day and use the grid at the back of the book to record each day of reading.
Remembering the spellings that we do not pronounce CEW words.
PE – Monday and Wednesday
Enjoy your weekend and Happy Dashain!
BJSL Football Tournament
Week beginning 30th September
This week’s High Flyer was chosen by her classmates for her energy and communication. We are also focusing on developing reflection and resilience – two qualities that she has really engaged with. Well done!
I am very pleased that the children, when proposing a High Flyer, recognise the importance of our Learning Behaviours – curiosity, creativity, courage, energy, communication, exploration, reflection and resilience.
Having completed the unit on place value, we will now focus on addition and subtraction:
I can add and subtract 1s, 10s, 100s and 1,000s.
I can add up to 2 four-digit numbers with no exchange.
I can add two 2 four-digit numbers with one exchange.
I can add two 2 four-digit numbers with more than one exchange.
The use of physical materials – place value counters etc. – and digital representations, will be a central element in developing understanding. Explaining the process and the use of mathematical language will also be a focus.
We are continuing to focus on recounts – with an emphasis on employing strategies to engage the reader. The expectation is that the children will able to articulate which strategies they have used and why.
I can write a shared ending.
I can plan a recount, independently.
VIPERS: the focus will be on summarising questions.
I can review verbs.
I can identify what is a subject.
Thank you to all those children and parents who are reading for at least twenty minutes each day with their child / children. Please use / continue to use the Vipers questions at the start of the reading diary as a prompt to initiate a discussion about the text. Thank you to those children who are answering the questions that are stuck in the reading diaries. Please could I ask parents to ensure that the questions are answered. I also politely ask that parents please sign the reading diary every day to record their child’s reading outside of school and use the grid at the back of the book to record each day of reading.
Adding the suffix ation.
PE – Monday and Wednesday
Enjoy your weekend!
Hornbill School Council 2024-2025
I am delighted to announce that we are looking for a new Hornbill School Council team for this academic year. Last year, our School Council worked incredibly hard to share some great ideas, organise events and make improvements across the school.
I have already spoken to the children in assembly about the responsibilities around becoming a member of our School Council Team. We are looking for 2 representatives from each year in Years 2- 5. Year 6 will have 3 representatives as we will need a Chairperson, a Treasurer and a Secretary.
We are planning to hold elections on Thursday 10th of October, which will take place in the Gill Theatre during the school day. If your child is interested in becoming a school council member they will be asked to share a short presentation with their class during the week leading up to the elections (Monday 30th September – Friday 4th October). They will need to explain to their class why they would be a great member of our Hornbill School Council. We are looking for children who are keen to listen to the ideas of their classmates and to share these in regular school council meetings.
If your child is interested in this opportunity, please support them in preparing for a talk for their class. If you have any further questions, please speak to yourclass teacher or Mrs Cunningham.
Thank you for your support.
Week beginning 23rd September
This week’s High Flyer was chosen by his classmates for his energy and communication. I have also been very impressed by your ability to reflect. Well done – a great start to the year.
Next Week’s Learning…
In maths, we will complete the unit on place value by focusing on rounding numbers to the nearest 10,100 and 1,000.
Having begun to explore paragraphs and the strategies for linking them, we will now begin to write a shared recount about Romulus and Remus. The focus will be on employing strategies with which to engage the reader – the use of fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases, subordinate conjunctions etc.
VIPERS: the focus will be on retrieval questions.
SPAG will focus on using regular and irregular action verbs.
Reading – Assessment
All those children who joined Hornbill School at the beginning of the term have been assessed for reading using PM Benchmarking. As a result, we have identified key areas for development / extension for each of the children. We will post these in their reading diaries next week. I ask that you support this. Please also continue to use the VIPERS questions at the start of the diary.
Please note that some children will be asked to change their book band colours. As you may know, the expected level for the end of Year 3 is Brown / Grey, whilst the expected level for the end of Year 4 is Grey / Dark Blue.
Adding suffixes.
PE – Monday and Wednesday
Enjoy your weekend!
Week beginning 16th September
This week’s High Flyer was chosen by her classmates for her energy and communication. Congratulations – a great start to the year!
Our Learning Over The Coming Week
In maths, we will continue to explore place value. We will revisit number lines – placing numbers up to 10,000 on a number line. We will reinforce the 3-step process of working out the value of each of the intervals. The next step is to compare and order numbers to 10,000.
Having created a storyboard, highlighting the structure of Escape from Pompeii, we will now recount the story whilst developing writing strategies with which to engage the reader –including the use of fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases. We will also explore how paragraphs are linked to aid understanding.
VIPERS (Reading): the focus will be on explaining.
SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) the focus will be on using ‘being verbs’.
Thank you to all those children and parents who are reading for at least twenty minutes each day with their child / children. Please use / continue to use the Vipers questions at the start of the reading diary as a prompt to initiate a discussion about the text. Thank you to those children who are answering the questions that are stuck in the reading diaries. Please could I ask parents to ensure that the questions are answered. Also, please sign the reading diary every day.
Remembering the /e/ at the end of a word.
PE – PE kits is required on Monday and Wednesday
Enjoy your weekend!
Year 4 PE
Week beginning 9th September
In maths, we will continue to explore place value. The learning will focus on flexible partitioning – using base ten, place value counters and bead strings – before finding 1,10,100 and 1,000 more than a given number.
Having read and analysed part of Escape from Pompeii, we will now examine the structure of a recount. This structure will be represented using a storyboard. The storyboard will then be populated with adventurous expanded noun phrases. We will be embedding the SPAG from last week – common and proper nouns.
VIPERS (our reading programme)
The focus will be on retrieval questions.
SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)
This week, we will focus on collective nouns.
Thank you to all those children and parents who are reading for at least twenty minutes each day with their child / children. Please use / continue to use the Vipers questions at the start of the reading diary as a prompt to initiate a discussion about the text. Thank you to those children who are answering the questions that are stuck in the reading diaries. Please could I ask parents to ensure that the questions are answered. Also, please sign the reading diary every day.Thank you to those children who are answering the questions that are stuck in the reading diaries. Please could I ask parents to ensure that the questions are answered. Also, please sign the reading diary every day.
Having explored the meanings of the words, during week two we will investigate the spellings of the words. Please practise spellings at home.
PE – Monday and Wednesday
Enjoy your weekend!
High Flyer
Congratulations on being elected ‘High Flyer’ by your classmates for being communicative and energetic. Well done!
Week beginning 2nd September
In maths, over the next four weeks, the focus will be on place value. Initially we will explore different ways of representing and partitioning numbers, before moving on to representing numbers on a number line.
Over the next two months, English will use the story Escape from Pompeii, to write a recount. The writing will be interspersed and supported by a heavy focus on Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar – SpaG. The SPaG will revisit learning from previous years – building clauses, nouns, verbs etc. and will introduce / develop the use of expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials. The aim is to equip the children with a wide range of strategies with which to engage their readers. As the year progresses, the children will be expected to take ownership of their writing and make deliberate choices about how to make their writing interesting. They will also need to explain and justify their choices.
VIPERS: the focus will be on exploring vocabulary
SPAG will focus on common and proper nouns and expanded noun phrases
The expectation is that children will read, at home, for at least twenty minutes each day. Central to this is involving dad / mum in discussing the text, modelling inference, explanations, justifications etc. We very much encourage an interactive, discursive approach. To support this, please use the Vipers questions / prompts provided at the start of the reading diaries as a basis for initial discussions. Please sign and comment in the reading diaries, and complete the grid at the back of the book.
Please also practise spellings.
We will begin the unit on Living Things and their Habitats by exploring what features are common to all living things.
PE – Monday and Wednesday
As you may know, all Year 4 children will sit a statutory times table check in June. By then the children will need to know all their tables up to 12 x. To support this, you can use this which replicates the test. The children have been introduced to the programme which can be modified to focus on specific tables etc.
Please note that we have plenty of time to practise these and I am not expecting the children to know their tables at this point in the year. I do not want the children / parents to feel burdened by this.
A little and often is an effective way to practise. We will teach / practise tables in class each week.
Enjoy your weekend.
Week beginning 28th August
I’d like to welcome you to Year 4 and Gibbon class. Those who are new / newly returned to Brunei, I hope you are settling in well. I trust you have all enjoyed a relaxing, restful holiday and are ready for the year ahead. For those who have not yet met me, I am Mike Crichton. I will be teaching Gibbons this year, supported by Ms Rusmi, our LSA.
Over the remainder of this week, we will be engaging in getting to know you activities, and establishing routines and expectations. We will also be encouraging the children to become more independent in respect of their thinking and how they organise themselves.
Please note:
PE – Monday and Wednesday – please wear your PE kit to school. You will remain in it all day, so please do not bring your school uniform to change into.
As per Mrs Neal’s letter, reading books will be sent home from next week. Over the next few weeks, we will be assessing the children’s reading and will continue to do so to ensure that each child reads at the correct level to support their on-going development in this key area of learning.