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Year 5

I am super excited to embark on yet another journey with you all this year and I look forward to making it a success for us all. Welcome to Year 5!

Our theme for this term has rightly been named as ‘We Are Explorers’ and we had some great discussions during the sneak peek into the book (The Quest For Z) that inspired our core text, ‘The Explorer’, in class today. 

English – We shall be focusing on The Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar in English for the first couple of weeks starting Monday, the 2nd of September. For spelling, we are now moving on to Super Sonic Spellings.

Maths – We will be doing our first maths lesson tomorrow with the focus being on place value; this unit will last for about 3 weeks and I shall keep you posted on the topics we will be covering each week on Friday afternoons.

PE – PE has been scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday to start with. Thursday’s PE lesson will eventually become swimming lessons. We will inform you about the start of swimming lessons for Year 5 later in the year.

Reading – Readers become leaders, so please read every day and sign on the Reading Record diaries!

Many thanks,
Mrs Rai