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House Teams

At Hornbill School we have four houses to which children are assigned when they enter Year 1 or join the school. They are Kingfisher, Broadbill, Fantail and Eagle. The house names represent birds that are native to Brunei and Borneo. This was discussed with our school council members in 2024

Welcome to Kingfisher house!

The Stork-billed kingfisher is a courageous bird and is bursting with colour and personality. They go about their business quietly, and they display an abundance of resilience as they stalk their food, or dig their nests into the side of riverbanks and trees.
The Kingfisher house represent the British value – Individual Liberty

Welcome to Broadbill house!

The black-and-red broadbill is a unique bird that loves exploration. No other species shares the same exclusive plumage. It is brilliant at adapting to different environments and habitats. It loves vocalizing, making it fantastic at communication.
The Broadbill house represent the British value – Respect and Tolerance

Welcome to Fantail house!

The Malaysian-pied fantail is small in size, but large in spirit. Its local name means ‘crazy thrush’. It requires large amounts of courage to protect their habitat in order to thrive. The Fantail’s lifestyle and routines requires lots of energy.
The Fantail house represent the British value – Rule of law

Welcome to Eagle house!

The White-bellied sea eagle is a large predator. They display lots of curiosity and cover large distances when it comes to finding food offshore and inland.  Their modified wings allow for longer travel and creative flight patterns that alternate between long beats and short gliding.
The Eagle house represent the British value – Democracy

Each team will be coached and supported by members of staff from across the school. In Years 5 and 6, children can put themselves forward to be a House Captain or Vice-Captain. During the process they have to complete an application form outlining why they would be a good candidate for the position. The senior leadership team will then read through the applications and decide on who should become the next house and vice captains.

It is a great honour to be elected to one of these positions. The Captains and Vice-Captains represent their Houses and play a prominent role in House meetings and in supporting their House in different events.

We compete in houses during our sports day and in other various intra-school events. Throughout the year, the school run various competitions and events, in which children can win points for their house – both for taking part and winning an entry.

Every adult at Hornbill awards House Points for good work, excellent behaviour and various positive actions. House points are awarded throughout each half-term and the winning house (the house with the greatest number of house points at the end of the half term) will receive the coveted trophy.

Each house has also created our own house chant. They are planning to use these at competitive events throughout the school year. They go like this:

We are Kingfisher,
small and bright.
The winning line
is in our sight.

We are Broadbill,
clam and still.
Watch us soar
and use our skill

Fantail, Fantail
small in scale.
Towards our goal
watch us sail

We are Eagle.
We are green.
Eagle, Eagle,
reign Supreme!