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School Governance Committee

Welcome to the Hornbill School Governance Committee (SGC) page,

The SGC, made up of representatives from the BFB community, provides challenge and support to Hornbill School Senior Leadership Team (SLT) in matters directly affecting the education and wellbeing of pupils. The SGC aims to drive school improvement, raise standards and ensure that all children reach their full potential.

At Hornbill School, the SGC has three key objectives:

  1. To provide support: The SGC supports Hornbill School SLT, staff, parents and pupils. We provide strategic overview, helping to set targets and review school priorities, including endorsing the school vision, values and objectives. Our goal is to raise the standards of achievement of all pupils by assisting Hornbill School to reflect on how teaching and learning is done within the school, incorporating best practice, and supporting the school in implementing and monitoring outcomes from the School Improvement Plan. The SGC also acts as an independent body to enable parents to raise concerns should they be dissatisfied with how the school has dealt with an issue. 
  1. To act as a ‘critical friend’: The SGC works alongside Hornbill SLT and staff, as a ‘critical friend’, providing support and advice, drawing on the expertise of SGC members. At all times it acts in the best interests of the pupils, focussed by the question, “What difference will this make to the pupils in the school?”.
  1. To ensure accountability: The Headteacher reports directly to the SGC on matters such as academic performance, staffing, finances, strategic direction and progress made against the School Improvement Plan. The SGC’s role is to critically evaluate and ask questions, whilst respecting the professional roles of the SLT. 

The School Governance Committee (SGC) is made up by interested members of the community, including parents of children at the school. It is a powerful force for school improvement.

The membership must reflect a wide range of expertise and interest, and includes representation from parents; teaching and non-teaching staff; Garrison reps; Defence Childrens’ Services and Hornbill SLT. Here in BFB, a strong Nepali representation is sought to provide insight from the RGR and other Gurkha units.

The SGC meets once a term as a whole committee to review and discuss school business and represent the views of parents. Between these meetings, the SGC takes an active role: attending assemblies and lessons, meeting and supporting the curriculum and subject leads, reviewing the School Improvement Plan, and supporting safeguarding initiatives.

British Forces Brunei delivers an unrelenting pace of operations and exercises, which can place significant strain both professionally and domestically on the community as a whole. Our garrison children are at the centre of this and supporting their educational attainment and wellbeing is paramount for the SGC. I am pleased to report that the school is in fact driving a positive focus, despite the challenges we have faced over the past year. While things still look slightly different than we may be used to, we will keep working hard to ensure that educational and wellbeing outcomes remain the focus at Hornbill School.

We, the SGC, are the key link for parents who want to discuss any issues, improvements or just good ideas they may have to help us keep Hornbill School performing to the highest of standards. Don’t be afraid to engage with us, we are here to help.

I encourage you to get involved in your school community and support the SGC in every way you can. Together, we can ensure that Hornbill School is a place where our children can flourish and achieve their full potential.  

Chair of SGC

DCS Directive: School Governance Committees

Please use this form to raise any points directly to your Hornbill School Governance Committee.

Hornbill School encourages an open culture of communication: Student – Parent – Teacher – SLT. 

The first line of contact for school issues / suggestions should be your class teacher or the SLT. Before filling in this form, please consider if this can be raised directly to your child’s teacher or to the SLT for discussion first. If you feel this has been tried or is not feasible, please contact us and we can approach the SLT on your behalf.

We ask that you submit your name and means of contacting you so that the relevant body can respond and acknowledge your points. This data may be passed on to school leaders for appropriate action but will otherwise be kept in strict confidence.

Meet our Governors

Simon McMahon

Rosalind Garfield-Barkworth (RGB)

Daniel Knott
Garrison Representative – Clerk & Safeguarding Governor

Sushma Galami
Parent Representative RGR

Nabin Shrestha
Parent Representative RGR

Chrissie Emmerson
Parent Representative 230 SQN

Jo Brown
Staff Representative

Maj J Pun
BFB Comd Representative